Practice Information Sheet
Postal Address:
PO Box 50
Facebook Page:
Doctors Hours:
Monday 10.00am to 8.00pm
Tuesday 10.00am to 6.00pm
Wednesday 10.00am to 8.00pm
Sunday – 10.00am to 5.00pm
CLOSED - Public Holidays
Phone: (02) 4845 1166 (ext 2) Fax: (02) 4845 1053 Email:
Practice Doctors
Dr Roshan Dalpadado (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Sunday)
Practice Nurses and Clinicians
Rachel Sergeant
Kelsey McInnes
General Manager
Katie Yeo
Medical Reception/Administrative Staff
Chloe Johnson – Team Leader
Amanda Evans
Maree O’Brien
Practice Services
In addition to general medical consultations our practice offers the following services:
Full management of community support packages
Case Management
Caring for people with Dementia
Loan Equipment
Meals Service / Dietician
Podiatry / Physiotherapy
Pathology Service
Mens Group / Monday Social Group
Vaccinations / Minor Surgery
Child and Family Nurse.
Appointment Procedures
Please phone 4845 1166 ext 2 for an appointment and if you require urgent emergency medical attention, please call an ambulance on 000.
Consultations are by appointment and are at least 15 minutes in length. Longer Consultation times are available. Please indicate if the appointment is URGENT, as several times are kept available each day.
Telehealth appointments are available at the discretion of the GP & Practice staff.
Appointment Cancellation Policy
Patients who do not attend appointments and fail to provide the practice with sufficient notice will be charged a $20.00 cancellation fee, if within 24hours. If a patient cancels their appointment within 1hr of their appointment or simply does not attend their appointment, the practice reserves the right to charge a cancellation fee of $42.50. Our policy for bulk billing, missed or cancelled appointments including any associated fees, is displayed prominently in the reception area of the practice. The practice does understand that some may have extenuating circumstances of why they could not attend an appointment and will take these into consideration when deciding to charge a cancellation fee.
Walk-in appointments
If you do not have an appointment, you will be allocated the first available consultation, there may be some waiting time available, our reception staff will attempt to give you an accurate idea of how long this wait may involve.
Management of patient health information
Our practice is committed to maintaining the confidentiality of your personal health information. All information collected by the Practice is stored electronically and accredited security methods are maintained to ensure this information is treated with confidence.
For more details, please ask reception staff to see a copy of our Privacy Policy.
Staff may ask you a number of questions to verify who you are. These questions are designed to ensure the privacy of your information.
Privacy Policy
In complying with the Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Act 2001 we have developed a Privacy Policy that governs the handling of personal information. Please refer to the information booklet located in the waiting rooms.
Personal Health Information and Test results
All personal health information is treated with utmost confidentiality by all staff. To ensure this, all results are communicated BY the Doctor TO the patient by mail as soon as possible, and if the Doctor deems necessary, by phone.
The transfer of test results from other medical organisations can sometimes be compromised, so patients will be requested to follow up with the doctor if a result has not been advised to them within 2 weeks.
Transfer of medical records
If you wish to transfer your health records to another service provider, please ask your new provider to send Gunning Community Care a transfer application form signed by you.
Alternatively, if you would like Gunning Community Care to obtain records from another service provider, please see reception for a request for medical records form.
Reminder and Recall Systems
This practice uses a ‘Recall and Reminder’ system to recall and remind patients about clinically significant results and preventative care issues.
The new privacy laws require that we obtain your consent to send you these reminders.
All doctors follow the guidelines for preventative care as outlined by the RACGP’s guidelines, which are in line with the recommendations of organisations such as the National Heart Foundation, National Cervical Screening and Breast Screen.
After hours and emergency
After Hours in the event of an emergency dial 000.
If the matter is non-urgent, please contact Accident & Emergency at Goulburn Base Hospital on (02) 4827 3111.
Alternatively, please contact the practice on the above number to arrange an appointment.
Telephone Calls / Communication
Calls are taken by reception and if necessary are put through to a practice nurse or doctor. If the doctor is unavailable, a message will be taken, and the doctor will return your call as soon as practical. Your call will always be put through to the doctor or nurse in an emergency.
Our reception staff is trained in the Triage process to ensure that urgent cases are dealt with appropriately.
Home visits
Home visits are available for regular patients whose condition prevents them from attending the surgery. This is at the discretion of the Practice Doctors.
Fees and billing arrangements
Fees are payable at the time of consultation by cash, cheque, credit card or EFTPOS and our billing policy and fees are displayed at reception.
We are a mixed billing practice and bulk bill patients over 65yrs of age that hold a Pensioner Card and children under 16 years or at the discretion of the doctor.
Prescriptions and Referral Requests
Fees are charged to cover medical and administrative costs involved with these requests.
At the doctor’s discretion prescriptions, pathology referrals and radiology referrals will be provided with 3 days’ notice and will incur a fee of $20.
Please note: A Doctors review may be required prior to a prescription being issued.
If patients require communication services
Patients who require communication assistance are asked to let reception staff know when making the appointment.
If you require the services of an Interpreter, please inform our reception staff at the time of making an appointment, with warning we are able to provide this service through the TIS on 131 450
Patient feedback
Please feel free to talk to your doctor or reception staff if you have any suggestions or are unhappy. Ideally any complaint will be resolved at this level.
Should you remain dissatisfied with our service we will refer you to our General Manager.
Alternatively, you may prefer to contact the Health Care Complaints Commission (HCCC) on 1800 043 159 or
If you require service for hearing impaired, please contact the National Relay Service on 133 677
People who prefer a language other than English should contact the Commission through the Telephone Interpreter Service (TIS) on 131 450
5.16 Social Media Policy
For the purposes of this policy, ‘social media’ is online social networks used to disseminate information through online interaction.
Regardless of whether social media is used for business-related activity or for personal reasons, the following policy requirements apply to all GPs and practice staff of the practice. GPs and practice staff are legally responsible for their online activities, and if found to be in breach of this policy, depending on the offense, could result in:
Formal Caution/Warning given
Disciplinary and/ legal action
Termination of employment
Use of practice social media accounts
The practice will appoint a staff member as a social media officer responsible for managing and monitoring the practice’s social media accounts. All posts on the practice’s social media website must be approved by this staff member. The practice reserves the right to remove any content at its own discretion.
Gunning District Community & Health Service has 3 staff members who have access to our Facebook page and they are Julie Kennedy (Operations Manager), Katie Yeo (Practice Manager) and Vanessa Mackay (Administration Officer). These staff members can all post on GDCHS’ Facebook page with Vanessa seeking approval from either Katie or Julie. Anytime anything medical (such as posting about new services offered in the practice) is posted to the Facebook page it is to be approved by the clinical team first before posting.
Staff conduct on social media
When using the practice’s social media, practice staff will not:
post any material that
is unlawful, threatening, defamatory, pornographic, inflammatory, menacing or offensive
infringes or breaches another person’s rights (including intellectual property rights) or privacy, or misuses the practice’s or another person’s confidential information (eg do not submit confidential information relating to our patients, personal information of staff, or information concerning the practice’s business operations that have not been made public)
is materially damaging or could be materially damaging to the practice’s reputation or image, or another individual
is in breach of any of the practice’s policies or procedures
use social media to send unsolicited commercial electronic messages, or solicit other users to buy or sell products or services or donate money
impersonate another person or entity (eg by pretending to be someone else or another practice employee or other participant when you submit a contribution to social media) or by using another’s registration identifier without permission
tamper with, hinder the operation of, or make unauthorised changes to the social media sites
knowingly transmit any virus or other disabling feature to or via the practice’s social media account, or use in any email to a third party, or the social media site
attempt to do or permit another person to do any of these things
claim or imply that you are speaking on the practice’s behalf, unless you are authorised to do so
disclose any information that is confidential or proprietary to the practice, or to any third party that has disclosed information to the practice
be defamatory, harassing or in violation of any other applicable law
include confidential or copyrighted information (eg music, videos, text belonging to third parties)
violate any other applicable policy of the practice.
Monitoring social media sites
The practice’s social media channels are part of our customer service and should be monitored and dealt with regularly.
Gunning District Community & Health Service staff member Vanessa Mackay monitor’s the Facebook page throughout the working day. GDCHS has decided that responding to any messages through the Facebook Messenger Service should be dealt with within 24hrs after the customer gets there automated reply from GDCHS.
The practice complies with AHPRA national law and takes reasonable steps to remove testimonials that advertise their health services (which may include comments about the practitioners themselves). The practice is not responsible for removing (or trying to have removed) unsolicited testimonials published on a third-party website or in social media accounts over which they do not have control.
Personal social media use
Staff are free to personally engage in social media outside of work hours, as long as their actions do not have the potential to bring the practice into disrepute. Employees may not represent personal views expressed as those of this practice.
Any social media posts by staff on their personal social media platforms must not reveal confidential information about the practice or a person who uses the practice (eg staff should not post information relating to patients or other staff, or information concerning the practice’s business operations that have not been made public).
Staff should respect copyright, privacy, fair use, financial disclosure and other applicable laws when publishing on social media platforms.
Breach of policy
All social media activities must be in line with this policy.
5.15 GP Practice Internet & email policy
Gunning District Community & Health Service recognises the practice teams requires access to email and the internet to assist in the efficient and safe delivery of healthcare services to patient’s. Gunning District Community & Health Service supports the right of staff to have access to reasonable personal use of the internet and email communications in the workplace using the devices and networks provided by the practice.
This internet and email policy applies to the practice team, contractors and to other staff of Gunning District Community & Health Service General Practice who access the internet and email on practice owned devices including, but not limited to Desktop computers, laptops, tablets & smart phones to perform their work.
Use of the internet by the practice team, contractors and other staff is permitted and encouraged where this supports the goals and objectives of Gunning District Community & Health Service. Access to the internet is a privilege and the practice team, contractors and other staff must adhere to this policy.
Violations of these policies, depending on the offense, could result in:
Formal Caution/Warning given
Disciplinary and/ legal action
Termination of employment
All employees are required to confirm they have understood and agree to abide by this email and internet policy when they are first inducted into their positions.
The practice team, contractors and other staff may use the internet and email access provided by Gunning District Community & Health Service for:
Any work and work-related purposes
Limited personal use
More extended personal use under specific circumstances
Limited Personal use of email and internet
Limited personal use is permitted where it:
Is infrequent & brief.
Does not compromise any confidentiality requirements of our general practice.
Does not violate any legislation.
Does not compromise the security of our general practice.
Does not interfere with the operation of our general practice.
Examples of what is considered to be reasonable use include but are not limited to:
Conducting a brief online bank transaction
Paying a personal bill
Sending a brief personal email or making a brief phone call.
Unacceptable internet and email use
The practice team, contractors and other staff may not use internet or email access provided by Gunning District Community & Health Service to:
Creating or exchanging messages that are offensive, harassing, obscene or threatening.
Visiting web sites containing objectionable (i.e. pornographic) or criminal material.
Exchanging any confidential or sensitive information held by GDCHS.
Creating, storing or exchanging information in violation of copyright laws.
Using internet-enabled activities such as gambling, conducting illegal business or conducting illegal activities.
Creating or exchanging advertisements, solicitations, chain letters and other unsolicited or bulk emails.
Playing electronic or online games in work time.
Please see 5.1.6 Social Media policy regarding the use of social media in the practice